J.T. vs. The 35 hour day
Yesterday morning I got up, threw my last couple of things into my suitcases and backpack, and headed out to good old Port Columbus. I was a bit cranky from not getting much sleep; I spent that night visiting the Factors (Happy Birthday, Ben!), double-checking my suitcases, cleaning up my room, etc. Mom and Pop took me to the airport and Dad met me there to say goodbye. I accidentally went to the wrong terminal, because it’s the terminal I usually go to. *shrugs* The security woman looked at me like I was an idiot, but what are ya gonna do? I successfully did get on the plane and headed off for my connection in
On the flight to
Well, I finally got there. I had to go through immigration twice because I didn’t have the right forms the first time. I exchanged by money, then proceeded to wander aimlessly looking for my cabby. Another cabby tried to get me to ride with him, but I stood firm in the fact that I had no clue where I was going, so he probably couldn’t take me there. I (miraculously) found my cabby and we started the trip to Daejeon. He spoke very little English, so when things seemed like they were going wrong I was completely left in the dark. I think we got lost once. Also, when we got close, the person I was supposed to meet to let me into my apartment and such wasn’t answering her phone. I thought that was probably the case when he looked annoyed and had to make about a dozen phone calls, but I wasn’t sure until we did finally get a hold of the person and she told me that her phone was acting up.
The woman I met was one of the bosses at the school where I’m teaching. She showed me around briefly, introduced me to a couple of the other teachers living in my building, and took off. It was about 10 o’ clock p.m. I realized that, with the extra 11 hours of flight, this was my very first 35 hour day. I also realized that wasn’t cool. So, I unpacked a bit and hit the sack. I was pleased that my bed wasn’t as small as the director of the school told me it would be, but I was also irritated because that means the sheets I bought won’t fit. Well, they won’t fit right, at least. The happiness to have a sizable bed won out, though, and I drifted off to sleep.
I got up today earlier than I needed to, and I couldn’t get back to sleep. My bed is very comfortable, but only really if you’re sleeping on you back. If not, it’s way too firm. I had turned in my sleep, since I normally sleep on my side, and I woke up with no arm. Well, it felt that way, at least. It was so numb that it took about a minute just to get to the part where it feels heavy and starts to hurt. It hurt for about and hour or more, actually. Anyways, so I straightened up my room a bit and watched some T.V. There is some American programming, so I was lucky. And there’s CNN! It’s CNN international, so it’s a little different, but close enough J I watched some CNN, the end of the Mets/Nationals game, and an episode of “That 70’s show” I happened upon, then I took a shower. This was a lovely experience, since I don’t have a shower, per se. What I do have is a tiled bathroom and a shower head. That’s right, if you shower in
I walked with one of the school teachers to the school. She’s named Erin Perrie, and she’s from the northern wonder that is
That’s it for now. I have class observations and such this afternoon, so I’ll have that to write later. Until then, I’m doing great and I hope all you peeps back in the States are doing well, too. Later!
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