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Monday, July 11, 2005

J.T. vs. The Nasty Hangover

So, I've been to Korea for a few days now. I've observed a couple of classes, and it seems like a lot of work, but still kinda fun. I think I'll be able to handle it, but my first class is this afternoon, so we'll see. I think it'll go alright, but that may just be wishful thinking. :-p

So, the other English teachers took me out to this great place to eat on Friday. You cooked the pieces of your food in front of you, then wrapped them in lettuce to make a little breadless sandwich. It was pretty good. I also got to experience several different types of Korea alcohol. I've found that Korean beer is alright; I like it better than any beer I've had so far. One of the things we drank, however, is called Soju. This stuff is evil. I was warned ahead of time that it was going to be evil, but the warnings couldn't even begin to prepare me for it. First of all, it doesn't seem horribly strong, but it is! Oh, it gets ya drunk real fast. On top of that, it's dirt cheap. I probably drank less than five dollars of alcohol the whole night. The truly evil part, however, is the hangover. I'll get to that later, though.

So, I had a good Friday night. Some us went out to a couple of the bars that English teachers hang out at. It was good fun. I got the see "highlights" of the Indians/Yankees game. It was both nice to see some clips and depressing to watch the Indians get beat in the face by the Yankees. Even from across the world, I still hate you, Yankees! Anyways, we went to another bar, danced a bit, then came on home. One of the teachers who was with us was from another school, and he spoke seemingly good Korean. Having him around definitely helped with cab driver and such.

So, my Saturday is pretty boring, since I spent the whole day in my room recovering from my Friday. I was amazed at how bad the hangover was; I've been far more drunk in my life, but that was the worst hangover I've ever had by at least a factor of 10. Seriously. So, my Saturday was watching whatever I could understand on T.V. and sitting around in my room. Sunday was a bit more productive (I took a walk, used the internet, etc.), but not that entertaining to write about. So, that's my weekend.

As of now, I'm killing some time before my first class. I'm teaching some little Korean chillins how to write stuff. Specifically, I'm teaching them about the magical world of writing about senses! Ooooooo, I hear you say to yourself. Oh, yes. We'll see how it goes. Unfortunately, writing is one of the less-entertaining things to teach, so I hope I can figure out how to spice it up a bit. Suggestions are, of course, welcome. Well, that's it for me. Catch ya later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHA - my brother's a boozer. Not even there a week and you're getting drunk and showing off those dance moves! ;-)

Love you!

8:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can see the class now...

"I see Koren people."

Good luck, bro.

11:54 AM  

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