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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

J.T. vs. Corporate Stupid

I guess this should really be called "Recession vs. Corporate Stupid."

Let me recount a little tale to you. It's 2008. The economy is not yet chest-deep in crippling recession, our collective delusions of stability and prosperity remain in place, and I am hungry. Unfortunately, a thunderstorm has just rolled in knocked out the power to many of the businesses near me. The area right I'm in, though, seems unaffected. Pizza. That's what I want now. I'm prepared for the possibility that the power might be out and the places near me, but I call one large chain nearby to order a pizza.

"Hello, this is Large Pizza Chain"
"Hey, do you guys still have power?"
"Yeah, our whole block is still on."
"Great. I'd like to order a large pepperoni pizza."
"I'm sorry, sir, but we're not taking orders right now."
"Wait... what?"
"Our computer system is down, so we can't take orders."
"Well, you know how much the pizza costs, right? And you know how much you need in tax? I'll pay in cash. Why can't you take my order?"
"Sorry, sir, we're not allowed to take orders right now."

This is just a typical example of Corporate Stupid. Corporate Stupid is rampant in businesses, and it's most rampant during prosperous times. I had a similar issue with one of my previous employers. I worked the night shift there, and had seasonally for a few years. Sadly, as I got older, night shift just didn't suit me anymore. There was an opening on the day shift, and I asked to be moved. Unfortunately, there was a policy saying that new employees (I counted since I worked seasonally) had to remain in the shift for which they were hired for at least 100 days. Since I'd be back in college by there, that wasn't an option. I told them, flat out, third shift was too much for me and I'd be quitting if I couldn't get on a different shift. They said they understood, but that was the policy. Boiled down, here was their option:

-Move me to first shift, and have to hire another guy for third shift
-Don't move me, and have to hire another guy for third AND first shift

Now, training people costs money. I was already trained. Plus, I was really good at that job, as noted by the numerous sales competitions I'd won. They didn't move me, and I quit. I can't imagine how that was financially sensible for them.

Oh, but to get back to my point. Today, I'm home sick from work. I decided to call another Large Pizza Chain for lunch. I know quite well that I'm outside of their delivery radius, but I was hoping maybe it had changed since the last time I'd called a while ago. It went like this:

"Hey, I'd like to order lunch, but can I check first to see if I'm in your delivery area?"
"Sure, what's your address?"
"Hmmm... lemme check something."
"Hey, I talked to my manager. You're not normally outside of our radius, but we'll deliver to you anyways."

No doubt business is a little light for a Wednesday lunch of pizza these days, and the manager wisely decided to ignore B.S. corporate borders and just make some money. Yes, the recession is helping to kill Corporate Stupid, and I'm going to enjoy it now, because I know most of it will be back when the economy recovers. Until then: Pizza.


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