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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

J.T. vs. Valentine's Day

Hi all,
Actually, I have very little to post today. I didn't even remember it was Valentine's Day until somebody mentioned it to me around 8 p.m. tonight. Oops. A bunch of my students were giving various snacks to the teachers and such, but it went completely over my head. Oh well. Obviously, Valentine's Day means next-to-nothing to me at the moment. However, if I were giving out Valentines this year, these would definitely be the ones I'd be using:


I spotted these a few weeks ago. They are truly awesome. I thought about buying some just for the novelty, but I figured they weren't really worth getting if I didn't have the opportunity to give them away.

Anyways, that's it. I hope every one else had a nice Valentines day. I know there are some paranoid people out there who bemoan Valentine's Day as another corporate holiday, but I think any that any day that reminds you to be a little more special to your loved one is a good one. Much like Christmas, it's as commercial or as personal as you want it to be. So do something nice for you lady/guy tonight. Something cool, like an SVU Valentine's Day card. Don't be lame.

That's about it. Catch all you peeps later!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

JT - enjoying your blog, as always. and really did like viewing all your pix -
a real tour of Korea
Love ya - G.M. Judy

11:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 2 months, NO updates. Tell us a story. LOVE YOU, Mom

12:57 PM  
Blogger Jared Cherup said...

Tell us a story.

11:52 PM  

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