J.T. vs. His Signature
This is just going to be a quick update, since I should be getting some sleep...
Well, sometimes we all do weird things. Today was a productive, but rather normal, day. I still have a huge list of things I need to put into my blog. I certainly didn't think anything from today would qualify as blog-worthy. However, given enough spare time, we can all manage to create a little story for ourselves, even if you're just sitting at you desk in a bathrobe thinking about how much you should really go to bed.
Anyways, after eating dinner today at a yummy Chinese restaurant, I didn't have too much to do. I checked my email, websurfed a little bit, and watched some CNN. It was getting late, but I wasn't really all that tired. In fact, I had already laid down for a bit, but I didn't go to sleep. As I was sitting at my computer, wondering what to do with my time, I saw a piece of paper with my signature on it. I took this moment, as I have a couple of times, to appreciate the truly ugly nature of my signature (and handwriting in general, really). You know I speak the truth.
Well, with free time I wasn't expecting, I decided to try and develop a new signature. What could I do to make a new, more interesting signature? Well, improved handwriting was basically completely out of the question. So, that leaves some amusing gimmick. I decided, for whatever reason my warped little brain enjoys, to make my signature read identically upside-down as rightside-up. As it turns out, this is called an "ambigram" (thank you, sweet Wikipedia).
If it seems like it's hard, you're right. Just to make my "new signature," it took me about three hours of doodling and staring. Said doodles can be viewed in my Flickr account at the top of the page. However, I think the results are excitingly mediocre! I've posted an image of what I came up with. The "W" is a little funky, but I like it. If you doubt my honesty, you should stand on your head and look at it. That, or turn you monitor upside down. Or you could just flip it in "Paint," if you want to be boring.
Anyway, this is a just a little "J.T.'s really is still here" note. I'll get to writing my blog sometime when I'm not so busy with bizarre, self-induced wordplay. :)
Uh, Honey ? I hate to have to tell you this, but, that is infinatley more readable than your "old" signature. Hope it takes.
Love, Mom
I'm glad to know that you've found something to do in your spare, although 'should be sleeping', time.
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